Monday, 22 April 2013

Cheers to the little angel!!

Yes, she has survived, but what will be her future?”…..Let me take an opportunity to answer this much talked about question
She will be discharged soon (provided we continue praying for her), she then will join back her school (provided the principal doesn’t decide to chuck her out on the basis of ‘bad effects on other students’) . She will go out and play in the same playground of her society (provided this time the watch man is alert and on guard of the innocent kids).
Once she grows up, she will get married to an extremely handsome man (provided she is not reminded of so called breach of ‘dignity’ that happened with her) .She will grow up, study hard and become a stud doctor/engineer/lawyer/teacher/actor or a homemaker and bring up another beautiful daughter like hers (provided we continuously don’t remind her of the curses of being a woman in this country)….and yes, most importantly she will grow up big, grow up beautiful and grow up strong and kick the hell out of every such as%@^@% she ever comes across!
People, the onus is on US! We need to change our mindsets because she is a WINNER!! She doesn’t need our sympathies, an abnormal behavior or our hush-hush whisper talks about her future! What she needs is the assurance of her security and a fair unbiased chance to grow up and live this life to fullest!! 
So every time you come across victims of such heinous crimes, just take a second and realize the fact that they are NOT the victims, but are the real VICTORS who fought a battle and won it!! They are warriors who will win their life ….but the ones who need to worry about their futures are those beasts, let’s make their future hell by ensuring that they are jailed, punished, if possible publicly punished right away!!